God's angel smiled as he told his story

As I was sleeping God’s angel spoke to me;
Whispering, he said, "life is not what it seems; I will take you to where sweet dreams live; and this is a dream to share with others I give.
He said, "close your eyes, open your heart, it is time for sweet dreams to start."
Taking my hand He led me through a wonderful place where dreams come true. Walking from darkness into light so bright; All the lovely colors filled me with delight; I stand in awe at the splendor I see; and marvel at the beauty surrounding me.
So many lovely colors bright to behold. God’s angel smiled and this story He told.
They are the ones that have entered God’s fold.
What wonderful joy I felt in my soul.
Walking down a hall filled with a lovely sound; each door was opened wide all around from the rooms I heard soft music play.
I felt peace in my heart and wished I could stay.
No, He said, "it is time for us to go."
"There are many others that need to know about all the things I shared with you; how sweet dreams are beautiful and true."
God’s angel shared with me this dream, it is true.
Now I have shared this dream with you; and I pray all your dreams are sweet each night; and may God fill your soul with love and light.




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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Get us a President that loves YOU LORD JESUS

Praying that we get a president that loves You Lord. Asking that You have mercy on us as a Nation once again and get this man out of the White house. I am sorry Lord; I am trying real hard to keep my peace on this; but I am running amuk!
Would it ever be Your intention for us to follow a blind, egotistical, self loving heathen? I believe I speak correctly when I say~~"NO!"
With a new year coming, all I want for this country is a repentive attitude, realizing that some have errored big time when they cast a vote for this person. I can see it no other way that a bad call of judgement for the overseer for this country.
So, my prayer is........please deliver us from the mad man and his voodoo hoodoo wife and relatives. Give unto us a MAN that has You in his life and walks the walk and not just the talk. Help us before it is too late. In Jesus name ~~ amen

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